I am pleased to announce the first official XJRider.com Relay. Image a rally that you don't have to ride too far to be part of. But before we go further, play this:
Now, with inspiration music in the background, lets talk about the relay. Remember those days when you actually rode your motorcycle and were excited to do so? I want to remind you all why you got into motorcycling in the first place. And I don't mean XJ's specifically. While this site is aimed at them, we all ride. I propose a two-wheeled relay. If you have a bicycle, a scooter, a motorcycle or even a unicycle (okay, we don't discriminate), you can join in.
Here's how it will work:
I have chosen an XJRider.com token. Think of this as the baton in a running relay. Beginning on the coast (whether it be east or west), an XJRider will ride the token as far as he or she desires and will then hand it off to the next XJRider. That rider will carry the token as far as he or she wants and pass it on. This will continue until the token has made its way across the US. Once done, we will post it to the UK where it will begin its journey abroad.
As the token is carried across the US, its position will be tracked using GPS so we can see its progress. A dedicated tracking thread will be created where members can share photos, stories and reports of its adventures as well as track its progress.
What's in it for you:
For our first relay, there are two prizes for participation:
First, I will create a custom rank, rank image and avatar mask indicating that you've participated in the relay, illustrating that you are awesome. For those unaware, those are the words below the avatar.

Second, I will send you an XJRider tee-shirt to wear on your ride or around town. We designed one years ago for the site and I will have them made and sent to the participants; of course, the design will be updated for the correct year and event. I'll solicit your size when you volunteer (register). This will be provided free of charge (including shipping). That's right. Free.

Volunteer (register), be awesome, and let's do it:
If you are interested in showing us that you too are as awesome as Murdock, then volunteer a day, weekend or week to help move the token from sea to sea. Here's how you volunteer:
Add yourself to the Relay map, below. Then send me a PM indicating you want to join. That's it, you're in.
Click here to add yourself to the Relay Map.
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I want to do this sooner rather than later and I want it to be a big part of XJRider in 2017. When we get enough volunteers to lay out a route, we'll start. I'll update the map with rider hand-off locations and we'll do this.