My route

I could not ride my bike for 2 weeks, as I had to fix up exhaust system that had holes and other damage had scratches removed etc. I also built a luggage rack (not all done still looking for side boxes and will then make a plan to connect to the bike). So when I got everything back I just had to make sure it sounds good and that the top box will stay on, so what better way than taking it out for a 200km trip!

I got up at 08:30 and by 09:00 was off to the Fuel station. There I saw a bunch of GS1200. As I started filling the bike and jerry can, one of the bikers walked up to me and asked if I am joining them. I was not planning on that and told him so, I was off to Augrabies waterfall and they were riding to Kakamas. Both are the same way so I decided what the heck lets ride!
All filled up, we were off. I was riding in 4th position. It was a nice cruse start at 80-90km/h and just as we hit the open road things got tuff for me. The guys opened up to 170-190km/h. I struggled to keep up, fighting the wind to my lid the whole time. After about half an hour my neck was on fire, but I kept up with them. As we got closer to kakamas we slowed down to a comfortable 130-140km/h. We all pulled in by a fuel station and had breakfast (which I did not plan on I had my food in the top box). But who can resist a nice Dagwood with fellow bikers?
All ordered coffee but a soda for me. The food was great and the company awesome. The guys were quite impressed the pewny XJ 600 that kept up so well, and me too!
After the breakfast, we took a couple of photos, I said my goodbye as I am continuing on the road and they are heading back.

The road that I took was beautiful and things started to heat up finally! I continued at a slow pace 110km/h just enjoying the ride. When I got to Augrabies and signed in if was lid off plugs out! Face in the wind as in the park does not have traffic cops! I was loving the smells and wind in the face freedom with the lid tied to the passenger handle!

I was not expecting the waterfall to be so small (Shockingly low for me) as it had been raining allot, but the water is a problem in SA.

Unfortunately I was not allowed to go into the game viewing area because I Ride bike and it is not allowed in any of our National parks. But saw some nice Rock hyrax, Black spitting cobra an Agama (Platysaurus broadleyi) That spiecies only occur 100km around Augrabies and 37 species of bird (won’t bore you with the list there) I am an ex nature guide and ranger so Eyes on nature all the time.

I stood at one of the lookout points for at least an hour just staring into the thundering water, feeling the light misty rain on my face just in awe. Finally I snapped out of my daydream staring into the waterfall, it was a weird experience as all the rocks around me was moving! A cool optical illusion from staring at the running water no doubt! Looked at the time 13:02. I have to start heading back home as I have some stops to make and have to be back for a braai (it is like a BBQ but much better) But before I leave I have to buy a sticker and some water for the road back as I did not pack a bottle for tap water bummer!
In the shop grab water and stand in line get to the front only to find out I have to buy a minimum of R50 worth to pay with card… so I just grabbed 2 beers extra.
I fuelled up, rehydrated and hit the road again.

I made a quick stop a famous farmstall Die pienk padstal ( translating to the pink road stall) to take a photo to send to my dad and good friend that goes on 4x4 trips with us. There I looked at my bike and saw the chain does not look right! Very loose and badly stretched! The chain was not in best shape but Guess I ruined it keeping up with the bigboys…. I had my tools but no way to clean myself from grease, so decided to ride it back as is at 80km/h. Got back on the bike and heading home hoping the chain will not hop off.

So the normal 1hour ride back became 2h to get back! (1h50) but I arrived safely at home cleaned and lube the chain just to help a bit (replacing chain A.S.A.P.!)
I lit the fire, opened a beer, sat back with a huge smile!