2 main jets and a #15 pilot?

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Lookin' Around
Lookin' Around
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:46 am

Hi there,

The other day I totally cleaned and dismounted my carbs. Doing this i saw to my supprise 2 (sort of) main jets and a #15 pilot jet.!

I thought these things where lean on #17,5 's. Whats up with this? Is it normal for European diversions to be even leaner? It's a 4BR if i'm right with the heater carbs.

This leads me to the next question: Why are there 2 jets looking like main jets. My 2 outer carbs are running on #105 and the 2 inner ones on #102,5 which is stock (right?). And then there are #47,5 jets in all of the 4 carbs which are exactly the same type of jets as the main jets.

These are the 3 that are in each carb.

And here you can see the placement. Right upper corner the mainjet, in the left lower corner the..??? jet and in the hole my pilot jet.

Can anyone tell me what the function of the (for me) unknown jet is? And what to do with my pilots?

Note: The previous owner had it restricted once to 25 kw (in the inlet tubes).

Looking forward to you opinions.:)

Burn rubber, not your soul.

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