Headlamp Conversion

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This was my first post dated April 2010 illustrating my first attempt at a headlamp conversion. Enjoy.

Hey all. I'm new here.

I recently bought a Seca II which had been laid down hard on the right side at some time in its life. It had been repaired but not well. I didn't know this, of course, until I got it home and started working through some of the maintenance items. The biggest tell was the tank. I stripped it to paint and ground out about 2 inches of body filler to find dent-puller holes which had been welded, poorly, shut. The tank was bent enough to dent it on both the outside surface and the inside skin (underside of the tank).

I sourced a new tank, painted all the body plastics and decided to do a front end conversion as the original fairings were cracked and poorly repaired. Here's the result:


Last edited by radare on Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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