Hi All,
This is going to be my first build thread, so it may get a little disorganized or off track, but I'll try my best to keep it coherent.

A couple of years ago I was cruising Craigslist & came across this Seca II that was in pretty sad shape, but it was cheap and I thought it would be a cool project to get running. I talked the owner down to $200 and I drove away with what looked to be a nearly complete bike with a title and an extra "basket case" engine for spares.
Then not long after I came across another Seca II on Craigslist that looked pretty sad and again the price was right..... It turned over but didn't run and had a title, so I talked the owner down to $200 and drove away with it.
A few months later while checking for Seca II parts on Craigslist, I came across a third Seca II that looked promising. This one actually ran and was only an hour away from me. So you know I had to go check it out! I showed up and was stunned to see the guy had an ATV gas tank hooked up to the bike and held it in place with his legs as he took off down the road to show me that the bike ran and shifted gears. No helmet and rocking a wife beater, shorts and flip flops.

Then he comes back and asks me if I wanted to jump on it and take it for a ride, umm "no thanks I'll take your word for it". I managed to talk him down to $300 and off I went with my third Seca II.
So I had $700 wrapped up into 3 Seca IIs and preceeded to shamefully let them sit around with little work done on them for almost a year as I prepared to relocate the family into our new home and build a new shop next to the house we moved to.

Now I've got the shop built A/C and insulation installed, so no more excuses!
Tomorrow I'll sort through the numerous pics, organize my thoughts and get this build up to date.