The move has just happened and so there will probably be things that are not running entirely flawless yet. So, please bear with me as I address those. I will include a list here and I will address them over time. If you have any things that you notice, please let me know in this topic, so I can address them.
Also, a forum is a costly thing to run. I am open to suggestions on how to cover the costs. Also, if there are programmers/admins/writers/journalists among everyone on this forum and you want to help out, please let me know. The community needs you.

Currently in progress:
- The Chevereto gallery is not operational yet. There is a glitch somewhere and I am working on that.
- The new safety certificates can only be applied after the site has transferred to the new server, so it might show unsafe for a bit the coming 24 hours or so.
- It has happened to me that I needed to log in and then log in again. If that happens, let me know.