'97 Seca II, resurrected from the dead

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Location: Arizona

Hello everyone! Radare suggested that I start a project thread on my bike, so here goes! I bought my '97 Seca II in 2007, after seven long years of thinking I was done with riding, following the nightmare that was my '97 Ducati M750 Monster. That thing was such a pain in the you-know-where, that I nearly gave up riding altogether.

Anyway, fast forward to 2006, and my wife saw a Derbi scooter at a yard sale, and just thought it was the coolest thing she'd ever seen, so she came home (I'm NOT into yard sales!) and insisted I had to go look at it. It turns out she thought it would be fun to learn how to ride; who knew! Anyway, we came home with it, and I taught her how to ride it. Needless to say, it really lit the fire within me to start riding again. With no money to spare, we took turns riding the scooter around town for the next year, and it was lots of fun, but didn't quite cut it for me. My wife, on the other hand, loved riding a scooter, so we decided to get her a 2008 Honda Metropolitan, once the house was paid off, and sold the Derbi, leaving about $500 left over for me to start looking for a project bike. Here's what I found for $550:

ImageIMG_1565 by ericd_weber, on Flickr

The fun begins!
Last edited by webman94 on Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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