Oil coming out of exhaust

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Lookin' Around
Lookin' Around
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:40 pm

Not sure if this is the right section for this, but, I'm really fed up at the moment, I stripped my engine down during lockdown here in the UK, I measured everything as per the Haynes manual, all was in spec. I put the engine back together last week, it starts and runs fine but I'm getting a drip of oil coming out of the the exhaust under the bike.
I read that it could be rings but these were in spec on the 4 cylinders. I stripped the engine originally because I had a lack of compression in number 4 cylinder which turned out to be a slight worn exhaust valve. I changed this and all the valve seals and tried the compression again and it was good.
Now this. I just haven't got the time or inclination to strip it down again.
Has anyone any ideas what could be wrong apart from the rings blow by?

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