Weekend run to Point reyes

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Lookin' Around
Lookin' Around
Posts: 92
Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:51 pm
Location: Petaluma

Cool, clear and crisp out here. Took a good bit to get her warmed up. (i have to look into a slight misfire on the left side, seems to run better when warmed up) Suited up and headed out from Petaluma on D st. In 3 minutes it goes from downtown small town to open country. I stopped at one of my favorite trees for quick shot, It's a live oak growing out of a 6-8' tall rock. It's inspiring to me.
Back on the bike and off to the twisty section no good pullouts, but a good climb with corners posted at 20-35 all the way through. The bike's feeling really nice now that the fork problem has been addressed. I was feeling pretty good on the flats near Nicasio reservoir when a Ducati club blew by me like I was standing still! ImageThere was about 20-30 bikes. They finished passing about the time the next twisty section came up. A couple of riders seemed to hold back and keep me in their sights, likely for the fun factor in catching up to the pack on the next straight section. As a newbie, it was really nice to have some one who knows how to ride to follow through the turns. couldn't hold them for long, the next straight away they took off again, but really fun all the same. At Platform bridge Rd. I headed right through the Black Mountain Ranch canyon.
This is a really fun section with lots of 30-35 MPH posted turns. You come out of the Canyon at the top of the hill on HWY 1 leading down to Point Reyes Station. I was going to stop off at Bovine Bakery, a must if you're in the area. there was a line out the door, I skipped it and headed down to TOBY's grabbed a warm drink and headed back home.
I've been doing this run quite a bit lately and the familiarity of the turns is building my confidence in what the bike and I can do. This section of road is well patrolled on the weekends, so I watch my speed on the straights. I ended up behind a landscape truck through the last twisty section, there's nowhere to pass so I hung back to avoid eating all his diesel. I have some work to do on her, and I haven't had to spend much time in the garage up til now, but with winter coming I decided to spend the remaining light doing a cleanup. there's now plenty of room to work. But that will have to wait, the weather is good til the middle of next week, it's time to ride!Image

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