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Let’s take a moment to appreciate this jury rigging

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:00 pm
by JohnOfTheJungle
I bought my bike several years ago from a person that did no maintenance to it. I don’t know who owned it before him, but the level of jury rigging on the bike was ridiculous.

I always assumed this oil leak that I had was a result of some catastrophic damage my bike had received in a crash and it was JB welded up but forever destined to leak oil.

NOPE, this guy was too cheap to buy a $13 oil galley plug. Opting instead for a complex system of an old plug, screw, washers, nuts, and a crap ton of JB Weld.

Here’s the first pic after I hit the JB weld with my angle grinder.







It blows my mind that this guy had to go so far out of his way to avoid buying a $13 oil galley plug. I hope he won whatever bet he had going, because that worthless fix didn’t even work.

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