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Replacing the cam chain

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:35 pm
by Bataille
What are everyone's thoughts are on replacing the cam chain? It's not something I need to do at the moment, but it's something I'm thinking about. I looked in Haynes, hoping to find instructions on an easy way to fit a replacement cam chain, and I searched this forum, and I couldn't find any easy way to do it.

I had a look at the cam chain on my bike, and I reflected that I don't have any kind of tool that could remove those tiny rivets. If I had to, I could cut the chain by grinding, but I wouldn't want metal filings all over the place in the engine. No big deal really as there must be a proper, small rivet-removal tool. I then looked up the original Yamaha cam chain. It's not expensive, but unless I'm mistaken it seems to be completely enclosed and continuous (no split link) by design. The implications of that are a bit more serious, as it seems it would be necessary to split the cases to install a new cam chain. While also time-consuming, this would also add considerable expense (oil change plus a complete new gasket set).

As there are lots of companies selling OEM cam chains, wouldn't it be much easier and cheaper to fit an open-ended cam chain with a split rivet link instead, using a system of hooks and pins to thread it through so you don't have to split the cases? Are there any products with a master/split link that would fit the bill?