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Wireless mic only for iPhone recording with vidometer

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:54 pm
by MrJoel
Ok guys, most of you know I'm on a budget with the whole seminary thing and the special needs kiddos. But I've fixed up an old iPhone 4s, and made a handlebar mount for it to be my pov camera. I was blown away by what it can do when running the vidometer app and just thought...why not?

My problem is that I want to record voice for instructional videos or motovlogging or horrible jokes or whatnot. I don't want to run a cord to the helmet and was wondering about tech guys and their opinions/options for a Bluetooth mic. I was thinking of going with a Bluetooth transmitter and a matched receiver going into the iPhone. Parts look to be about $30-40 but wanted all y'all's opinions. Has anyone else on here run this? How else can you run non-helmet mounted pov cameras and sound without recording to a separate device and syncing the video/audio later?

And by the way, if you want a pov camera and have an old smart phone...vidometer is pretty cool! You can overlay a gps map of your ride, have your speed, G-force, height and lean angle all displayed on the video! Not to mention all the recording speeds you can film at!