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Spring ride in the country.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:41 pm
by Brian UK
This morning the sun came out and it got to 16 degrees C and then the Mrs said 'Are you going out on your bike today 'cause the sun's out?' I don't need asking twice and I wanted to try a NEW thing! I have used an old screen to make a camera mount abnd I wanted to try filming a short ride for those who can't get to England and want to see what it's like and those who, for whatever reason, just can't get on a bike.
So here it is.
I rode from my home to a place called Arundel in Sussex UK. That is the boringest bit. Mainly dual carriageway lots of cars and a long queue going into Arundel as it is the end of a major road and you have to go through the minor bits to continue the main route. Luckily, on a bike you ride past the queue and turn off on this ride to a better road. There is still too much traffic though on a Saturday afternoon. From Arundel there is a really nice road up to a place called Whiteways Lodge. This is a country car park and a meeting place for bikers. Sundays it is packed but Saturdays are quietish. Next time I will try and film some of the bikes. After getting there we come back riding through the town of Arundel where you will see the Cathedral and the castle which is the home of the Duke of Norfolk, premier Catholic Noble in UK. Finishing up just about where we started the run.

US riders note: it will seem very strange riding on the left!

Also the hills and dips don't come out too well.

Also note: this is my first effort so it may not be too impressive. There is no commentary, I will work on this. All constructive criticism is welcome.

I hope this works!!! and you enjoy it... :cruise:
