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Riding Two Up

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:10 pm
by fateddy
A lot of us on here carry a passenger from time to time and some of us may want to eventually. The importance of safety and good operating skills become much more critical with a pillion on board, as you're 100% responsible for their safety. A pillion on a motorcycle has virtually no control over any situation and is completely reliant on you to keep them unharmed and upright.

A user on ADVRider put together a very well thought-out post a few years back that I referenced when getting ready to take my first passenger. I still read through it every now and then just to refresh myself.
Riding Two Up - A Compendium

I propose that we use this thread to discuss good and bad passenger-carrying practices, share tips and experiences, and maybe some bike tweaks that make for a safe and enjoyable two up ride.