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Riding as Safely as Possible

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:09 am
by xjman

Just to start this new safety topic going I'd like to ask forum members to identify what type of accidents that they had over the years and whether they felt that these could have been avoided, i.e. looking back could you have lessened the result not withstanding that the cause might not have been your fault.

Me, for example, broke a leg and fractured an ankle when I was 18 because somebody turned across my path, well I could have been more aware that was a possibility, maybe I shouldn't have been going so fast and perhaps I should have tried to weave or otherwise make myself more visible.

The cops did the guy for driving without due care and attention and the compensation paid for me to do a postgraduate qualification (1 year) so it wasn't all bad :) .