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CarterIvy's Seca II Project

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:56 pm
by CarterIvy
I thought I might as well create a topic to share the progress of my Seca and the modifications being done to her.

Some of you may seen the post about painting my mufflers, I got them done and here are the pictures. I also painted the oil fill cap just for shits and gigs.

Here are the paints I used. I strongly recommend the duplicolor metalcast paints, stuff rocks!!

On the oil fill cap I started out with the ground coat followed up by the red top coat then the clear. This looks amazing in person, looks just like candy apple red. (Hard to get my iPhone to focus) :thumbdown:

For the mufflers, all I did was prep them for paint then sprayed tons of layers of smoke then hit it with the clear (I hope it doesn't flake) :nervous: