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A Story about the Cold

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:34 pm
by Nendo-Ton
So last week after Christmas, the Family & I were scheduled to go to Dallas from Houston. We usually just pile into the 2008 Scion XD. But this time I suggested that my wife work on her highway driving skills so I could finally take a long ride. I received saddlebags as a gift from my Dad & wanted to put things to use. I have never been so COLD :cold: in my life. If you have ever lived in Texas you'd know that the weather can change on a dime. It went from being T-shirt weather to sweater & coat weather in a night. I didn't have any cold weather gear so at 80mph the wind just seeped into ever pore of my clothing & skin. By the time we finally reached North Dallas I couldn't feel my hands or my knees. :grins: It also just snowed in Dallas so there was snow & black ice all over the roads. I was smart enough to make a pit stop at Starbucks & warm up before reaching the final destination. I only had to scary moments in the ice. One was a lumpy spot of black ice & the other was when I stepped in ice at a red light while stopping. The Bike never hit the ground (Thank God). For all of you riding in the Cold weather up North - You Guys are Hard-Core. :poke: :cold: I've been looking at buying some wind proof under gear now. Just encase I decide to do this again. Thanks for reading, I've been wanting to tell you guys, but busy with the Family on the Holidays. Peace & a Happy New Year to you All!