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1992 XJ600 cross country trip underway

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:53 am
by BCooper
It's been a grand summer in Cambridge, MA and as of now I had not really believed this was going to happen till a couple days ago when my financial issues were resolved. I'm currently the owner of a 1992 XJ600 and am in the process of making it to San Diego throughout the next couple of months.

From the beginning: I purchased the bike from a man in Haverhill MA Sept 2012 with 14,700 on the odo. First item that needed replacement was the sprocket/chain as it had been worn significantly. Next, while en route to New York the fuel pump diaphragm caught a hole and had to be replaced. I've inspected the jets and theyre spotless, maintained the oil, replaced the rear tyre with a Bridgestone battlax as well as new EBC front pads.

On Nov 10 I left from Boston to NY to meet with family and help out in the hurricane re-building effort. Many people are still being affected today and you dont really see the big picture till your on a block and everything smells of mold and soot. On Nov 19th I embarked for Washington D.C., stayed there for the night via a room I booked. The following day I rode all the way to Ocean Isle Beach NC where the XJ awaits my arrival.

This is the beginning of plans I have been working on and with the support of my friends, this seems within my reach. I plan to leave for FL on the 19th, with big plans to be in New Orleans for NYE. I'm not sure who will be available or not but I would be willing to stop and say hello to just about anyone as of now. I'm fairly confident the XJ will be reliable and plan to take photos along the way as well as update this thread.

Hopefully I'll cross paths with some of the southern winter riders and we can scope out the local turf along the way!

I promise i will post more picture of my gear and luggage when i make it down to NC on the 15th. MORE UPDATES SOON!
