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Bike Night

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:45 pm
by MOzarkRider
Every week Quaker Steak and Lube puts on a bike night on Wednesdays. This week I finally got the cahones to invade the primarily Harley roid-fest on the Seca II oh and Sarah came along too lol...
Before any good premiere you gotta do the shower and shave, so.....
Freshly washed Seca:


Quaker Steak is about 30 minutes away and the ride is pretty straight not many curves up here...
Had the usual medium wings and then ventured out to see how the seca was fitting in:
Just as I suspected


All Harleys, now I am not against Harley Riders and most are nice and good people, but when you get 300 of em in the same place its like humanity devolves back to clubbing mastodons and dragging women to the caves...
There were a couple sportbikes that showed up later but they had a similar stereotype that fit perfectly lol... There was one lone Ducati Multistrada that was also one of his kind lol....

It was fun though and we weren't shunned or attacked by Harley riders or anything we just didnt go into the outdoor bar area with the drunk AC/DC tribute band lol....
The ride home was more fun sarah was picking on me most of the time tapping on my helmet and poking my sides and such....
Well short story but there were pics hope you enjoyed lol....