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First real "ride" on the XJ. 8JUN12

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:53 pm
by E1Allen
Well, I just so managed to find some time in my busy schedule to take a nice Friday ride with my flight school buddy Jim who rides a KLR650. I purchased the bike with over 36K miles on it and it was my first chance to really see how well it would hold up to some highway speed riding for a good two hours. I just picked a scenic route that ended up eating up about 95 miles when all was said and done. Considering I have done almost 800 miles in one day on a bike it was a rather short trip but fun anyways. We actually had a break in the weather from Thursday and the weather Saturday and Sunday ended up being very crappy as well so Friday was perfect. I was very pleased with the handling the bike has compared to my 700lb FJR I used to have. We made it out to Abbeville without a problem where we found a farmers market to stop at and see what they had. Turns out we found some great homemade peach ice cream there that was good enough reason to make the stop.

It was also my first opportunity to see if there was anything oozing from the bike or something crazy after riding for an hour non-stop. We left Abbeville and hit our first country road with Jim following behind me. I looked back and noticed Jim was nowhere to be seen. So I had to turn around and figure out what was going on. I found Jim parked on the side of the road looking at his bike in bewilderment. So I got off my bike and asked him what was wrong and he said it sounded different and he thought he was out of oil... So I looked at his bike and noticed it was lacking something. I said Jim, your not out of oil, your entire muffler is gone. So I laughed for a minute and drove back a quarter mile to find it and realized I couldn't grab it anywhere though my gloves to not get too burnt so I made him drive his Harley sounding bike back so we could figure out how to rig it up. Turns out one bunjee cord he had did just the trick. We had a nice uneventful trip back home from that point.

The ride turned out perfect for the XJ and I had no issues with the ride. I can surely notice the difference in size and how my 6'2" frame sits on a bike much smaller than I am used to but I looked past the size and enjoyed every minute of it. Had a great ride and I look forward to many more if I get the opportunity.


This is the route.


The Bunjee fix on his bike.
