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XJ 600 S (something)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:01 pm
by ruimarto
First of all I must warn you, although I've studied mechanical engineering, I know very little about repairing and maintenance. Also, I don't have money to buy every tool and get a state of the art workshop, so my project's gonna take a lot of duct tape and elbow grease.

First off, the bike in its current state:

Order of business:
- Repair oil leak - Oil is leaking from somewhere
- Solve shaking problem - Steering shakes a lot and if I let go of the handlebar the bike turns left
- Check if engine/carbs need maintenance - I've only had this bike so I don't know what's "ok" and what's not
- Check springs and forks
- Build a relay switch of some kind for the intercom (Starcom1 Advance) and other stuff like a Zumo 660 or 12v plug for cell phone
- Detail renewal
- - get new tail light (I've bought one similar to the stock, but with clear plastic and LED lights)
- - get new mirrors (mine turn in with speed)
- - get new exhausts (something like two low or under the tail Devil Rocket, so I can still use side luggage)
- Get a tank bag
- Get some good looking hard cases (Givi Trekker in orange would be cool)

Chapter 1 - The oil pool

Some pics:




Also, should I be worried about this: