Petcock - tap - overhaul

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Hi All, I've just fitted a kit from Yambits onto my XJ600S 1995 (UK) . I'd had some drop off in power during longer runs at steady 70 mph plus which would clear after a while or a stop and re-start. The petcock/tap was a mess inside and was letting petrol through when the engine was off and petcock/tap in the "On" position.

Thanks for the help in other threads on this forum it was quite straightforward BUT.....

I found it difficult to get a seal between the tank and the overhauled petcock/tap. I remembered one of the threads I read referring to this but the paint on the tank, where the petcock/tap fits, was perfectly sound. In the end I achieved a seal but, horror, by refitting the old gasket that I had removed and re-using the crosshead bolts and discarding the new combined crosshead and hex bolts that came with the kit. The new gasket didn't seem to seat quite comfortably. I'll take another look at this at the end of our summer by which time I should have my old 500 single back on the road.

I'm only the second owner and it had covered a genuine 14.5 K on purchase. The petcock/tap had not been off before and there were fibre washers under the heads of the crosshead bolts. The tip about JIS screwdrivers for a close fit was helpful; I used a screwdriver socket from a 3/4" drive socket set combined with an extension and tommy bar. It's an old Hilka set I bought a long time ago but the fit was perfect.

Really bad practice, but I was desperate as am at a long weekend on rally on Thursday this week.

Thanks for the info that people have posted on this job.


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