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Buyer's Remorse

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:52 pm
by LeighTower
So it begins. I drive this 750 Virago 5 miles back to my house, and along the way I suffer the biggest case of buyer's remorse since the time I spent 25 weeks allowance on a Vrroom motor for my Schwinn 5-speed in 1964. Horrible, horrible performance, like it's running on just one cylinder. A front end so squirmy that I say a prayer in the corners. A seat position that feels like it has never been a friend to any butt that has sat in it. Whoa Nelly! This thing blows. What the hell was I thinking - even at just $800, this thing is way more wrenching than I want to do.

At least I'm still riding my XJ. And it is running surprisingly well, thank- you! :) So with the idea that this Virago would allow me the chance to wrench on the XJ, it looks like it will be just the opposite!