Throttle Screw Adjustments on 1996 XJ600 Please Help!

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Lookin' Around
Lookin' Around
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:49 pm

Ok, I think I F**k up. I bought my first motorcycle about a month ago and all it needed was an oil change, a new clutch cable, and a new push-pull throttle cable. The bike was smooth and started up perfectly. I'm no mechanic and never worked on a motorcycle before but a few youtube videos convinced me that I could easily repair this bad girl myself and have her out in the streets in no time!

Fast forward to yesterday......

At this point, I've successfully changed the oil and clutch cable and all I had to do was successfully replace the throttle cable and she would be good to go. The instruction manual recommends that you removed the carburetor in order to replace the throttle cable but I thought that was a little too advanced for me. Needless to say, it took me literally hours to fit those tiny cable bolts into their proper slots on the carburetor end but I did it! I put everything back together, and go to start the bike and turns over but no start. F**k!

I mistakingly loosen what I now know is called a throttle screw on the carburetor end. After doing some research, I learn that it controls the idle speed. I have been trying to adjust that screw since I've got out of work today and I just can't get it working properly. When I tighten it the bike starts but the rpms are way above the recommend 1000-12000 range. When I loosen the screw the bike starts on really low idle and makes loud popping sounds. I finally gave it a rest after I saw smoke (I have no idea where the smoke was coming from). I can't figure it out and I can't find specific instructions on how to adjust it anywhere.

Has anyone gone through this and has any tips for me?
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Last edited by justforjean on Wed May 16, 2018 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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