XJ600 (51J) not idle/start + video

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Hi guys

I started fixing an old 1984 XJ600 (51J), have completely clean and re-built the carburetor however whatever I tried it just won't idle.

Few things I noticed while testing:
If I just try to start the engine it usually doesn't even combust.
only if I remove the air filters and block one of the carb air intake with my hand the it starts to combust but also for a few seconds (as you see in the video) and my hand a good amount of fuel on it. (not sure also how safe it is) :rolleyes:
I twisted the 3 mixture Screws a bit out which defiantly changed something, not sure I should struggle with the 4th one (which is warn/stripped so I can't really get it out)

Potential issues:
I have one mixture screw from one Carb which was stripped (couldn't get it out) so it is still stuck there.
one of the Carbs Intake manifold (rubber) someone before me broke the screw inside the engine block, so it just holds it on one screw&gasket.
Changed the air filter to a single air filter for each Carb (see below picture).
Any Idea??

Video of one of my many tries:

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