In Search of Curves

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One of the Regulars
One of the Regulars
Posts: 104
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:56 pm

I've heard it said that when Alberta Civil Engineers are told to design a road, they're simply given a ruler.

I have to say that it seems to be mostly true. Except for long, sweeping curves on highways and 90° corners in residential closes, curves are in short supply in this province. Thus, I feel my searches will ultimately be futile and I must travel 200+ kilometres west towards the Rocky Mountains to find the real roads.

Until I have the time and energy to make 400+ km day or weekend trips, I will have to satisfy myself with shorter ventures.

Actually, I don't have a problem with that. Spending a couple of hours out on the bike searching for elusive curves is quite therapeutic.

So, this past evening I loaded up the saddlebags with water and my rain gear (erratic weather lately), and headed east. Searching through local roadmaps revealed a few possibilities of curvature.


The first road turned out to be a bust: great curves plus loose-packed gravel equals :thumbdown:


At least the XJ was enjoying the time out as well.


I had one more chance to find some curves before my turn-off on Highway 601. Unfortunately it was another dirt-road bust. So, I had to satisfy myself with a relatively high-speed turn onto 601 before pulling off the road for a short stop. Got a thumbs up from a passing motorist for something or other - either my high viz jacket, or for having the camera out, or for just pulling off the road correctly, or he just liked the XJ - she was posing again:


The Highway 601 straight:


And more XJ posing:


Another dirt road at the Highway 12/601 junction, plus and interesting, brand new strip of blacktop heading north.


The new blacktop showed some promise:


Unfortunately, the minor S-bend just turned into more of this:


And this:


I turned around and headed west on Highway 12 and found some moderate, sweeping curves until it, too, straightened out. Filled up with fuel in a small town that I used to live in, and headed home.


The search for curves will continue another day.
"Often life asks much of you, and you either honour life by answering with all your heart, or you cower your way into your grave."
- Master Orquell (The Godslayer Chronicles)

1993 Yamaha XJ600SE Seca II


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